A Public Faith: Standing for Christ in School

school girls

We spend a good portion of our day at school. Since school is a microcosm of our culture and you’re in that culture, a Christian needs to be able to navigate and discern through it.

Faith in God maybe personal, but it is not private. At many points in your life you will be called to stand for your belief in God. I understand a student not wanting to be ridiculed at school. After all, some teachers bombast Christ by rejecting projects on Creation, as example, or reject a students speech on anything about God. The PC police speak of ‘separation of church and state’ yet don’t even understand it in the first place.

Standing for Christ, known as witnessing, should not be an extracurricular activity. An authentic relationship with Christ is a lifestyle. The Holy Spirit that indwells a believer has many references in Bible, such as: salt, wind, fire, water. All of those consume. All are seen. Be consumed. Be seen.

If you are a Christian then you understand why you are on the earth.


Start your own Bible Study or prayer group. A student run group is protected.

Live what you say you believe. Don’t buy into the lie that you are alone. You are not. Many kids and teachers around you have faith, they just need courage and you are helping foster courage.

Build relationships. Greet people at the front door, help a student when others won’t. Pray at the pole, gather with other students and pray for your teachers, attend events that promote Christ, identify and encourage Christian teachers and students. There are many around you.

Challenge a teacher that is trying to shut down a project. Eventually you might get the old line “I support you but people are complaining….” Don’t back down.

Expect ridicule and hostility. So what. Christ left perfection to die a cruel death for your sin. Being made fun of is nothing. Abraham was asked to kill his own son and God delivered a solution.

Your faith doesn’t need a room. You can mentor and meet with many people one on one.


No matter what, keep living out your faith. NEVER FORGET…death couldn’t hold Him, the stone was rolled away, His perfect love could not be defeated. You have the Spirit of the living God inside you, the same power that shook the earth. You can not be defeated.

He (Holy Spirit) loves. He speaks. He knows what you are going through. He goes before you. He oversees, He is a witness, He teaches you. He leads you. He intercedes for you. He fills you. He’s got you.

You trust Him for salvation and heaven, then put that same faith in Him to do what He does. Anyway, it’s not you, it Him that works in you and prepares the way. Just go. Be. Live. Trust the One who holds your very life in His hand.






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